30 July 2010

NEW TOTAL: 152,934

New grand total as of 31 July 2010:

152,934 entries in my pre-1920 Oklahoma Death Index.

I've been trying to add 5,000 entries each month. Some months are better than others. Lots depends on other obligations, when my kids are home from school, and what other projects I have going on. But I still try to type in records at least an hour each day.

I can usually get about 100 entries in an hour. But that rate drops when I check one source against another. For example, when I canvass a cemetery, I check my transcription against pictures on findagrave.com and okcemeteries.net. I also try to check against cemetery books at the Oklahoma History Center. Lots of duplication, but I get additional entries for stones I missed or for people whose tombstones no longer exist.

I look forward to Saturday mornings when I get a couple of hours at the Oklahoma History Center. So many records...so little time. Oh well, I intended this to be a long term project in the first place.

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